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Life Fitness 97ti Commercial Treadmill. Call Now For Lowest Pricing Guaranteed!

Life Fitness 97ti treadmill comes with patented Deck and Belt DX3 system that provides lubricant infusion to the belt and ABTS (Advanced Belt Tracking System) that enhances durability. For providing extra comfort, the treadmill is equipped with superior FlexDeck system for shock absorption. The Ergo bar incorporates Lifepulse system for contact monitoring of heart rate, and Polar telemetry system provides wireless monitoring. The treadmill provides extensive range of 28 workout programs including workouts with automatically adjusting incline levels. The 97ti integrates a reading rack and bottle holder as well.

Features at a Glance:


Life Fitness 97ti Treadmill vs. Life Fitness 95Ti

Life Fitness 97ti and the 95Ti are similar models, having the same DX3, ABTS, FlexDeck, Lifepulse, and Polar telemetry systems. They also have the same number of workout programs, which includes workouts that are goal based. Both models are powered by an AC 4 HP motor with MagnaDrive controller, and both have the same running surface area. The main differences between these two models lie in their range of speed and incline. The 97ti has a superior speed range of 0.5 to 16 mph, compared to 0.5 to 14 mph of the 95Ti. The range of incline is also less in 95Ti, which is 0 to 15% compared to the -3 to 15% of the 97ti. The display and data readouts are practically the same in both models.

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