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GP Pro Sun Motorized Treadmill Electronic Running Machine- Lifetime warranty*

If you have no time to go the gym, or go running outdoors, this is the solution. With this Sunny Health & Fitness treadmill, your home is your gym that will help you stay in shape. It features a folding mechanism and a soft drop system to help you fold and unfold your treadmill safely and with ease. The handrail controls allows you to control start, stop, adjust speeds, and measures your pulse rate. This comes with 9 built-in user programs with 3 manual adjustable incline levels. It helps keeps track of your overall workout goals with an easy to read LCD that displays Time, Distance, Speed, and Calories. The Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill is expertly designed for performance and total efficiency, with a 220 lb maximum user weight.


Tracking your progress on the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 Electric Treadmill is simple with the Digital Monitor screen! Monitor tracks speed, time, distance, calorie, and pulse.


Monitor and maintain your target heart rate. Measuring your pulse rate is an important tool for exercising correctly and efficiently. This important piece of health data will help you better understand your health and fitness status.


The incline feature is a great way to maximize workout intensity without increasing the time or speed of the workout. 3 Manual incline levels.


Less impact force on your legs and joints, treadmill cushioning allows you to work out longer with less fatigue versus running outside on hard asphalt.


Experience a realistic outdoor running feeling while an emergency stop clip will bring treadmill to an immediate stop.


This treadmill can achieve speeds between 0.5 and 9.0 MPH. Boost your workout intensity with 3 levels of manual incline, and enjoy 9 built-in programs to help you meet your fitness goals!


The soft-drop hydraulic mechanism on the Sunny treadmills is a great feature that allows the deck to gently lower itself to the floor. The soft drop hydraulic mechanism assures safe, hands free unfolding.


Making the transformation of your home into your own personal fitness studio is effortless with these convenient transport wheels. Simply tilt and roll out for use or away for storage. need for heavy lifting or muscle strain.

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