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StarTrac E-TRxi Commercial Treadmill. Call Now for Lowest Pricing Guaranteed!

Star Trac E-TRxi treadmill is a fully featured exercising machine with an integrated personal viewing HD screen for entertainment, with connectivity to iPod and MP3 players. The treadmill also packs in 20% maximum incline, which is 5% more than most models. The patented Hot Bar feature provides contact heart rate sensor, and single finger access to incline and speed controls, and stop button. The belt is also wider, providing 21.5″ running surface width. Equipped with a powerful AC HP motor, the treadmill runs quite silently.

Features at a Glance:


Star Trac E-TRxi vs. Star Trac E vs. Star Trac ETR Treadmill

Star Trac E-TRxi is an advanced model compared to the other two, especially when you consider the separate 15.6″ HD viewing screen above the console. The Star Trac E on the other hand has a 15″ HD color screen integrated into the main console, whereas the ETR has a simple LCD display for exercise readouts. Another distinguishing feature of the E-TRxi is the incline range of 0 to 20% compared to maximum 15% of the other two models. However, the Star Trac E has 18 workout programs compared to 12 programs available in the other two models.

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